Learn to Overcome Emotional Overeating

Lifestyle Choices

Learning to overcome emotional overeating can be overwhelming, and unfortunately, setbacks can be expected. But there is good news…lifestyle choices you make will help you to overcome this problem.

The key word here is choice

You can choose to follow a healthy lifestyle.

Sometimes it is necessary to focus on small, specific steps that you can take. Just trying to lead a “healthier lifestyle” is easier said than done!

Following are some of these specific steps:

Do not be alarmed but relapses are not unusual. Remember that this is not easy so don’t beat yourself up. Just start fresh tomorrow!


Experts agree that regular exercise, three to five days a week, is beneficial for healthy living. With this regimen, try to include at least 20 minutes of cardiovascular exercise, such as vigorous walking, jogging, biking, etc. Follow this up with some light toning or weight training.

Do not fret if this regimen seems impossible, right now. Committing to the full regimen is not necessary immediately. Work your way up to it. If you can only exercise once or twice a week, that’s still better than nothing. You should recognize this as a good beginning that will pave the way for incremental improvements in the future.

Exercise can be used to assist with overcoming emotional overeating in several ways:

For one, exercise produces endorphins. These are your body’s natural “feel good” hormones.

Another way it helps with overeating is because exercise prevents boredom and mindless eating. Safe to say, this is what you might be doing if you aren’t exercising!

And finally, exercise will likely boost your self-image. Ultimately, this should help to break the cycle of low self-esteem and poor self-image that “feeds” emotional overeating disorders.


Proper diet is one of the most important lifestyle choices necessary to conquer any overeating disorder.

Of course, the types of foods you eat will impact your healthy weight loss journey as it curbs the overeating. So, choose salad over that meal that is overloaded with calorie dense foods like pasta and potatoes.

“Everything in moderation should be your new motto”. Begin by reducing your portion sizes. Do not go for that extra piece of bread at dinner like usual. Even this small act will reduce the pounds quicker than you think since you are limiting the carbs.

Check out this article from the Mayo Clinic to see portion sizes needed to assist with the overeating issue.


Dig deep to find out what moves you…what excites you! There you will find innate gifts that bring you both joy and the possibility of monetary gain.

When you tap into the passion that fuels your existence, then you can escape into your inner world. This is where your creative juices will provide the much-needed distraction from overeating. Your happy place will be the catalyst that allows food to become second nature.

Use your talent to allow you to create until you feel at peace with yourself. This inner peace is where greatness happens. And this greatness is your interference to lure you away from your excessive love of food.


You should never underestimate the healing power of nature!

Spending more time out in nature can be particularly beneficial for those with an emotional overeating disorder.

Being in the natural environment connects you to your origins as well as the origins of food. It also limits your media exposure which can diminish your self-image causing you to spiral backward.

Some experts believe that detachment from the natural source of food can play a role in emotional overeating disorders. Once you get more involved with nature, you will explore and appreciate it. This discovery can go a long way toward reconnecting your biological understanding of food.

A good idea would be to kill two birds with one stone and do your regular exercise outdoors!

These lifestyle choices are a guide for learning how to overcome emotional overeating. Remember it is not an easy endeavor but you can take baby steps until they become leaps and bounds.

Now use them wisely and you will be so happy with the new you!